Abobo's Big Adventure Wiki

Urban Chabobo is the third level of Abobo's Big Adventure. The level is a homage to Urban Champion, a fighting NES game made by Nintendo.


The main objective is similar to Urban Champion. Abobo needs to knock the other fighter, Urban Champ, into a manhole by punching or kicking him. Both punching and kicking reels your opponent backwards in a similar fashion. When Abobo knocks Urban Champ off the pavement, he will advance to the next building. Abobo will win the game when Urban Champ is knocked off three times. There is no time limit on each round. When a police car shows up, both combatants temporary halt their fighting.

Waiting for the special code when "Finish Him!" (from Mortal Kombat) is shown and entering the code unlocks the alternative win, which is "Friendship!"


Continuting from Super Mabobo, Abobo is once again stuck in a wrap pipe. He shatters the pipe, jumps out, and finds himself menaced by an angry bystander named Urban Champ. Abobo doesn't need to know whether he is startled or he is involved with the kidnapping of Aboboy. Whatever makes him angry will be irrelevant in five minutes. Abobo knows how to placate people with his fists. After Abobo either kills or spares Urban Champ (and the Urban Neighbor), he will celebrate his victory and jump into the air to enter the manhole that leads to the next level.


Left/Right Moves Abobo left or right
A Kick
S Punch

Associated achievements[]

  • No Mercy
  • Friendly Foes
  • Fighting Chance
  • Police Patrol


  • This is one of the two levels in Abobo's Big Adventure to not feature any enemies (saved for Alex's appearance) or mid-bosses, with the other being Punchabobo.
  • The tied up women in the windows of the Discount Brothel building hail from the NES game Wizards & Warriors.
  • Alex appears in the left window of the restaurant.
  • This is the only level in Abobo's Big Adventure where the player can't pause the level or die.
    • Urban Champ also can't hurt Abobo when he tries to attack him.
    • He can also be spared by Abobo.


Sprites (Friendship)[]

